Sleeping 3 Month Old Mr. G’s Baby Photos :: North Andover Photographer
I got to photograph Mr. G for his 3 month baby photos back in 2020. I had previously met mom and dad for their maternity photos (a session that I absolutely adored. You can check it out here: North Andover Maternity). I had then seen Mr. G from afar to photograph him as a brand new baby. Because he was born in the very early days of Covid-19, I wasn’t able to have him and his parents in my studio for newborn photos. I was just as crushed as his parents that this was the case. I was (and still am) heartbroken for the families that missed out on milestone sessions due to the pandemic. Thankfully by three months we had more knowledge and supplies and were able to safely and comfortably be back in the studio.
I was able to get some socially distanced portraits of Mr. G and his parents in lieu of his newborn photos. Thanks to the Front Steps Project and the wonderful idea to photograph families on their own front porch. You can see the photos from Mr. G’s session and more here: Front Steps Project Photos.
What to Expect for Three Month Photos
Three months is such a fun age. And I love taking photos of this age group (read more here: Why I Love 3 Month Photos). At 3 months baby is definitely not a newborn anymore. But still definitely a BABY. Typically babies can hold their heads up, but they’re not quite able to sit on their own. There isn’t much mobility during this age, either. This can make taking photos easier for sure–after this there’s rolling, crawling, and eventually running around the studio! But the biggest difference between this milestone session and newborn photos is that at three months old your baby is much more alert and engaged. This means we can make funny noises and get some smiles. And usually this means your baby stays awake for the entire session. But as Mr. G is here to prove–every baby is different! The fact that Mr. G fell asleep during his 3 month session was so amazing. I was able to get some truly adorable sleeping 3 month old baby photos which I am never able to guarantee. I think this was extra special since this family wasn’t able to get a traditional newborn session for this little guy.
Another big difference between three month sessions and newborn sessions is that a lot of the time baby doesn’t like to be swaddled for pictures (especially if they’re awake). And while a majority of my newborn photos are taken either nude or swaddled, there isn’t much need for outfits. This isn’t the case for three month photos. But there are so many cute baby clothing options out there, and truly something for everyone. Carters, Janie and Jack, and Jamie Kay are all great options to find adorable baby clothing.
Are you looking for 3 month old baby photos near North Andover? Crabapple Photography is located in Andover and serves clients from around the area including Westford, Concord, Boxford, Salem NH and beyond. Kate McKenna has been photographing babies of all ages since 2009. Contact Kate today to book your session.