Meet Kate, the photographer and creative behind Crabapple Photography
Welcome to Crabapple Photography! My name is Kate. Although now I’m more often referred to as the twins’ Mom. Those are my twin “lady babies” you see above with me and my husband (they are age three in that photo, now pre teens (sob)). We hoped and dreamed, and ultimately struggled to have them for what seemed like an eternity. Now that they are here and heading to middle school next year, the passing of time has been put under a microscope and magnified.
Before I became a professional photographer, I lived in California and worked in the internet world. A few years flew by before I quit my job, packed my bags and boarded a plane heading to Paris, France. I spent the next year earning my master’s in photography, soaking in the Parisian culture, hacking the French language and generally putting my priorities in order. I highly recommend this!
After living about seven years away from Massachusetts, I decided to move back to the Boston area. I met my now husband and I started Crabapple Photography. My first studio was a detached two car garage in the backyard of my Medford, MA home. A home that was originally purchased by my Great Grandparents in 1917. That fact still blows my mind. My great uncle had a dark room in our basement (so cool!). If you haven’t gathered yet, I may be off the charts on the nostalgic scale. Perhaps this explains why I like to capture photos of growing families.
In July of 2017 we moved our home and studio to Andover, MA. We live close to downtown so my girls are able to walk to the library and we can take advantage of all that downtown has to offer. The studio I’m in now has over 1,000 square feet (from less than 400!) and is located at 38 Andover St., Andover, MA 01810.
As many ups as there have been, there have been numerous downs that also shape how I live my life and run my studio. In 2017 I unexpectedly (quickly) lost my mother to pancreatic cancer. It was a shock that has not left me in the six years that have passed. We all hear that life is short. But this enormous loss taught me in ways I couldn’t imagine, that I needed to live to the fullest!
Our cancer journey was not over, however. In late 2020 my husband was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer. And thus began a year and a half trek of cancer treatments and surgeries, all while battling the daily chaotic life of the Covid years we all lived through. I’m happy to report, he is cancer free! Please knock all the wood around you, if you don’t mind. This second blow was once again a huge reminder to hold tight those around you, take that trip, ignore the laundry and eat that pastry.
Why the name Crabapple Photography?
I get asked a lot why I chose the name “Crabapple Photography” for my business. It is because I grew up on a street called Crabapple Lane in Chelmsford, MA and as I mentioned, I’m a sentimental sap.
Now, click here and tell me who you are and how I can help capture your family’s memories for you!