My heart skips a beat when I see these Christmas holiday portraits of this particular set of brothers from last year. Big brother is feeding a cookie to a very enthusiastic looking little brother! Below that image is a set of portraits to die for. Below that, is one more of the cookie set, only more snuggly. I didn’t think it could get any cuter — it just did! I could stare at this photo all day and these are not even my children. Of course, they are the kiddos of a friend I have known for years and I have photographed each as a newborn. So, that does make them extra special. But the adorable moment between the brothers is undeniably magical. All the details in the photo below make me super happy from the half drank milk to the lit up lantern.
But these two special boys aren’t the only ones I got to photograph at last year’s Christmas and holiday portrait mini session extravaganza! Scroll down to check out baby boy L in his elf hat, resting on a green little nest of fur. Below is a set of siblings from Somerville, MA I have seen a whole lot in the past year. It all started with big sister’s 2nd year portraits. Then baby boy himself joined the party for newborn photos, 3 month photos, 6 month photos, 9 month photos. Finally just a few months ago I photographed his cake smash photos! Oh, and then big sister turned 3 so we captured some outdoor photos. I digress, back to Christmas, because they really nailed it last year!
Book your Christmas holiday portraits today! The sessions are in just a couple of weeks. Click on this link for details. Or, scroll below the images, find the calendar and book by hovering over the bold dates (if there are any available). Or, contact
The Christmas holiday mini sessions are generally snatched up pretty quickly. If you are in the Somerville, MA area looking for holiday portraits, click here to get info on this session and 2 other types of mini sessions .