Two Year Old Portrait Photography

I have been photographing babies and children of all ages as a professional photographer since 2009. And in that time I have photographed everything from newborns to teenagers and every age in between. And there are definitely things to love about every age group. I wouldn’t say I have a favorite age group, but two year old child photography sessions are definitely fun.

For so long we have called this age group the “terrible twos” but I think it’s time to retire that term. Because at two years old, your little one might still be learning to communicate their needs and feelings, but their personalities are amazing. They shine through in every photograph. Two year old toddlers are definitely unpredictable, but with a little patience and a lot of laughter, these sessions are always exciting. Keep reading to learn more about two year old portrait photography.

Tips And Tricks For Two Year Old Portrait Photography
My biggest tip when it comes to working with toddlers is patience. These little lads and ladies are old enough to be a bit wary of strangers, but still too young to reason with. Which means having some stranger acting goofy and telling them to smile doesn’t always go over well. And who can blame them?! But as long as all the grown ups involved are patient and calm, toddlers will become comfortable enough for their toddler portraits.

Anyone who has a toddler, or who has spent a decent amount of time around one, knows that they love to copy what they see others doing. If your two year old has an older sibling, a great way to get your 2 year old smiling for the camera is including the bigger sibling. Not only will your older child smile, so will your little one. If there aren’t any big siblings, that’s okay! Sometimes just seeing mom and/or dad comfortable and having fun is enough to get them smiling.

And if all else fails, my assistant and I are more than prepared for the challenge. No matter what kind of session, I always have an assistant with me. And we are not afraid to act a little silly to get a smile. We sing, we dance, we make fart noises. If your child has a certain toy, animal, or song that they love, we can incorporate that into our silliness. When it comes to these toddler portraits, it’s all about getting those smiles no matter how crazy we have to act.
Styling Ideas and Inspiration For Toddler Photos

At two years old, chances are your child is sitting and/or standing comfortably and safely on their own. Which means there are plenty of props that are great choices for these two year toddler portrait sessions. Whether that means a crate or chair to sit on, or a rocking horse (or swan) to rock on. In the studio I have a pretty huge assortment of props ranging from simple crates to intricate baby beds. But if you have a prop at home that you want to include in your session, please bring it along. It’s always extra special when a prop from home is included in these portraits.

Of course props aren’t always needed in these two year old photos. But sometimes they are a great way to keep a child distracted enough to stay in one spot. They’re also the perfect way to incorporate a them into a session. Whether that theme includes a sweet tea party set up, or a boho tee-pee, or anything else you can dream up. Helping families to create a session that they love is one of my favorite aspects of being a baby and child portrait photographer.

As far as styling goes, my number one recommendation is making sure your little one is comfortable. If they’re wearing clothes they hate, they will make it known. We want true smiles for these photos, and the best way to get them is to make sure your little one is happy and comfy. For timeless children’s clothing, you can’t go wrong with Jamie Kay, Hope and Henry, Boden, or Janie and Jack.

Are you looking for 2 year old professional photography portraits near Andover MA? Crabapple Photography serves clients from around the North Shore and Greater Boston areas including Salem NH, Haverhill, Boston, Burlington, Rowley and more. Kate McKenna has been photographing babies and children of all ages since 2009. Contact Kate today to learn more.