Having a newborn portrait photographer in the family has it’s benefits! When my sister-in-law announced she was expecting baby #2, it was a no brainer that I would be photographing the newest member of my family. This newest little member turned out to be baby girl Violet, and what a beauty she is! Shortly after her (rather abrupt) arrival in early April, LG and I took a trip to DC to meet Violet and congratulate her Mom, Dad and older brother Cameron. She was absolutely perfect in every way! Be sure to check out my sister-in-law’s blog Mommy FTW (For The Win) where she shares her child rearing experiences and everyday victories being a Mom.
It just so happens that Violet’s front yard was full of her namesake flower! Somewhat out of character, it was a balmy 80 degrees that day so we took advantage and went outside:
Smiley Baby!
Violet’s older brother Cameron spent some time swinging on a hammock
(L) Seasonally, DC is a few weeks ahead of us here in Boston. It was wonderful to see all the spring time growth happening down there. (R) Nothing like a brand new baby to really get in the mood of spring and new growth!
Family Portrait: Family of 4
MaDukesFabulous! I don’t care what “they” say about babies not really smiling for a few weeks. That is NOT gas; little Violet is smiling! And beautifully! What a sweetie pie; can’t wait to meet her!May 19, 2011 – 6:41 pm