2016: Crabapple Photography’s Year in Review!
Below is a slideshow with 257 images taken in 2016 starting from my first session (twin newborn boys) in January and ending at my last session in December (outdoor maternity photos). There is one photo chosen from each session played for one second. This isn’t the total number of sessions I photographed. Some people do prefer I don’t share their images and I didn’t include my own lady babies. It’s just over 4 minutes long! I know that is likely way too long for most people to sit and watch but I had a blast creating this and reflecting back on the year (more thoughts on that below). I’ve also fallen in love with the first song and can’t get it out of my head! Feel free to comment below and let me know what you think.
Thoughts on 2017
Today we are not even 2 weeks in to the new year. This is what makes it so remarkable to me that New Year’s Eve seems like months and months ago. And yet also, 2017, the number 2017, seems like a year that takes place only in a science fiction novel. The new year has begun to sink in. My lady babies just turned 4 years old (clap, clap!). They are turning in to such lovely little people and I truly feel lucky to be able to watch it happen.
I have spent a lot of time over the past few months feeling terrified by the passing of time. Terrified that indeed it all ends one day. This line of thinking can lead to more destructive thinking. Instead I’ve chosen to let it lead me to a few positive things. None of these things are particularly earth shattering. But when they sink in for you personally, they do feel earth shattering:
- Savor the moment. Not every moment is worth savoring, trust me I know. Those moments of cleaning puke out of your child’s hair are not the moments you particularly want to remember. And yet, when you are 50, 60, 70, 80 and thinking back on parenthood, you will savor that moment and likely pine for those days. (That’s because our memory is so good to us.)
- There is no time like the present. Another cliche but again, think of yourself at 50, 60, 70 or 80. I don’t want to look back and realize I was numb to all the life that was being lived around me. I want to be present for my children and that means being present for them right now.
- Reflect on the good things that have happened to you, and let go of the bad. Why? Because it does all end. Take the time to move past things. Do not just ignore them, certainly. But do move past them eventually. We truly don’t have a lot of time to waste.
Since this blog is my photography studio’s, I will reflect on a couple of good things that happened for me at Crabapple Photography in 2016. For one, my art and heart grew. I have never been so happy with my style or the final hand edited galleries that I deliver to my clients. I have also never been so confident in my own abilities. I don’t dare take this for granted. I do realize I will really always be a student and there is never an end to the learning and growing. But the gained confidence means I will suggest and execute concepts that were previously alive only in my wildest dreams. Secondly, more clients than ever trusted me with their precious little ones this year. The portrait photographer pool seems to get wider every year. And yet people come back to me, new people find me and they all trust me to capture their children and families. I will be forever grateful for this.