Now this is hard to believe. Cooper has turned one! …. A year ago. He’s now two. If you follow my blog, you’re probably just as sick as me of hearing me say that as I am of writing it. Blimey. Even though I’m about a year behind in blogging, I’m still making progress. Won’t be long now. But enough of that. Back to Cooper. Cause he – is – the – cutest! He + his family won the latest Thank You Photography Prize Giveaway – hooray! He was also a baby plan client so I got to see him many times throughout his first year. Such a cool thing. I got to photograph his gorgeous mama’s maternity photos. I met him for the first time at his newborn portraits, again at his 3 month baby photo shoot and again at his 6 month baby photos! And now, of course, you’re looking at his 1 year cake smash portraits! The first year portrait package is really special. I know understand that even more, having my own lady babies 😉
Jordyn#54January 21, 2015 – 11:59 am