This may come as a shock to you (or likely not at all) but I’m a bit of a control freak. Whether or not we should find out the genders of our twins (due Jan 22, 2013) was never a question for me. I simply had to be able to plan and dream about the future. I lay on the ultrasound table at 18 weeks pregnant and listened to the tech call out the first gender (shock! joy!) then within a matter of moments the second gender (WHAT!?). Disbelief, confusion and denial overcame me. A quick glance over at my husband’s pale face and bugged out eyes told me I wasn’t the only one. How could what was happening inside my own body be such a mystery to me!? (Repeat: I am a bit of a control freak). Let’s back up 5 weeks earlier to the last time I was laying on the ultrasound tech’s table. That tech took a guess at what we’d likely be rearing and we took it as bible. So did just about every single family member. We were all 100% wrong.
I’m being brutally honest about my initial shock + denial because within about 10 minutes it thankfully and mercifully melted away. I became overjoyed, ecstatic and so happy for the future and our undeniable luck. I wanted all our family members to have this shock. It was too much fun to pass up a gender reveal party. Or three. With one family a 10 hour drive away we’d have to put something together to mail. With one family I was seeing that evening for dinner, I had about 2 hours to put something together! And with the third family I had a full day to figure out my plan (and torture my mother with wait … where do you think I got the control freak tendencies from?).
(L) The first family reveal gift (C) the two boxes we mailed to our family in DC for the reveal “He? She? Open to See!” (R) The two gender cakes baked for the third and final reveal. I was basically giddy with excitement for 48 solid hours.
So what are the genders!? If you’re interested feel free to check out the reactions for yourself in the video below (direct link to youtube). I used my phone to video each set of Grandparent receiving the news. To note: my phone ran out of room during my mother’s (the first) reveal and I unfortunately missed capturing quite the scene for the next couple of minutes! If you’d rather know without watching the suspense, click on the image below the video. Enjoy! And let me know what you think and if you have any advice for us, please share!
ClaireYAY!!! CONGRATS KATE soooo crazy and exciting!September 5, 2012 – 10:43 pm
Kate McKennaThanks Claire! We’re pretty excited .. and crazed, ha!September 6, 2012 – 1:46 pm
KerriCongrats guys! They are going to fill your life with happiness, laughter and wonderment at every little thing they do 🙂September 6, 2012 – 4:05 pm
Tara O'ConnorCongratulations Kate!!! I’m so happy & excited for you! I look forward to playing Barbies with the girls someday! xoxoSeptember 7, 2012 – 11:54 am
Kate McKennaThanks Tara! Hahahaaa – so funny – I do still have some (albeit headless and / or hairless) barbies from our day.September 12, 2012 – 3:57 pm