There are tons of ways to display and enjoy your portraits. Fine art canvas gallery wraps are one fantastic way. Professionally and expertly mounted, matted and framed prints are another. Storyboards can be either gallery wraps or framed prints.
Meander around your house and see it like you’ve never seen it before: with your new portraits hanging! Snap a quick phone pic and email it to me. I can mock up what your actual walls will look like with your portraits on them. For accurate sizing and scale, know the measurement of something in the photo, or simply tape up a piece of paper you know the size of.
>> Click Here to download and print your own photo display worksheet <<
Below are example groupings to play around with. Remember, groupings can include the past, present and future. The past can include older family portraits or wedding photos. These groupings are versatile and easily added to when you have future portraits taken.
I offer in person or via Skype viewing and ordering sessions to help. That’s what I do! I don’t plan out, photograph and edit your portraits in hopes they will collect dust in your computer hard drive. Enjoy them!
Contact Kate today with any questions. Or just to say hello. I like that too!