Mr. M’s 1 Year Photos :: Swampscott MA Photographer

Happy Happy Birthday to Mr. M! He came to my studio from nearby Swampscott for his 1 year and cake smash photos back in March of 2023. It is so crazy to me that here we are now almost two years later. We started off his session with some family and solo portraits. I love his little overalls that he wore during the family photos. And his one piece that he changed into was maybe even cuter! But then it was all about that cake!
For the cake smash portion of his 1 year photos, his mom chose to go with a springtime/Easter theme for his cake smash. We used the set design I had for my in-studio Easter photos that year, added the ONE wooden letters, and of course a carrot decorated cake. His little outfit with bunnies and balloons perfectly combined the Easter theme with a birthday party. Love!

For more cake smash and 1 year photos inspiration check out this post: Cake Smash Portraits Round Up. And also check out my Cake Smash Photo Ideas Pinterest board!

Looking for 1 Year Photos near Swampscott MA? Crabapple Photography is located in Andover MA and serves clients from around the area including Salem, Marblehead, Peabody, Lynnfield and beyond. Kate McKenna has been helping clients celebrate baby milestones with portrait photography since 2009. Contact Kate today to learn more.