I have some capital A-dorable outfit ideas to share with you this month. “What should I wear?” is a very common question I get. I’m hoping to periodically throw out some ideas to help steer you in the right direction. Complete with links on where to buy the items 🙂
For choosing family outfits I always say: you do not, I repeat do not have to all wear the same shirt and pants! In fact, I really prefer you do not. The key is to pick a color palette and imagine everyone’s outfit is a small piece of one larger outfit. Choose your color palette based on what looks best on you and your family. Also, it’s important to take into account where you would like to display these photos. If you’re hankering to have a 16×20 in the living room, why not pick clothing that fits in with the decor? Take a look at the ideas below for your next family portrait session. Red, white and blue are a classic combination you can’t go wrong with. Mixing stripes, plaid, patterns is OK! Aren’t those little tights to die for!? They add a really fun whimsical touch to the “family” outfit. Check out the links below for where to buy.
Just because it’s January and the threat of snow is looming above us doesn’t mean we can’t have a splash of color in our lives! Check out this idea for a girl wardrobe choice. Links below to specific items of clothing.
For your boy’s portraits why not choose classic navy, gray and white? Check out the idea below. Adding in the plaid hat adds a little bit of whimsy to the whole look. Links below to specific items of clothing.
LINKS TO CLOTHING (as of Jan 19, 2012):
Mom // shirt, pant
Dad // shirt, pant
Boy // shirt, pant
Girl // dress, leggings
HeidiI love these ideas! It’s so hard to choose the right outfit that will be festive enough, yet not something you’ll regret in 20 years (as you love to put it :))February 2, 2012 – 9:55 pm
Kate McKennaHAHAH! So true Heidi. Outfits should be timeless … so it’s important to get some shots like that. Then why not go hog wild with style of the day.February 4, 2012 – 12:41 pm